Combat Update 2024[]
- Two-Handed weapons, they deal 50% more damage, and have a higher crit cap than one-handed weapons. But they have a 1-in-3 chance to need to be readied.
- Bows, Crossbows and Slings. Used at various ranges, require ammunition.
- Quivers and Bullet Pouches, offhand weapons that work with ranged weapons.
- Wands, used at all ranges, need to be charged.
- Thrown weapons, automatically used at range of 1 to get a free attack without enemy counter attack.
- Coupon, reduces the cost of vendor items. Is rarely dropped from ambush encounters.
- Trade Goods, vendor-only item that grows in level as you complete zones. It sells for more the longer you have it.
- Added loot to ambush encounters as if it were a normal enemy spawn.
- Encounters can now be normal, player is surprised, or enemy is surprised. Surprise rounds grant a free attack without retaliation.
- Tweaked a lot of combat stuff (mostly behinds the scenes stuff).
- Added secondary weapon and offhand slots that you can swap out to mid-combat. But removed the ability to change other equipment in combat.
- Added some more interactables to basic zones.
- Shortcuts that rarely appear in searches will take you directly to the boss room of a zone.
- Zones now have a range attribute that determines their maximum range. Some zones have tighter quarters, others are more open. This impacts the usefulness of ranged weapons.
- Added the ability to advance or retreat in combat to shorter or lengthen the distance between you and the enemy.
Balance Update 2024[]
- New Zone: Orphanage, Mansion, Sewer, Orc Encampment, Ruins
- New Zone effects: insomnia and possession
- Revamped the way zones are created, so new zones are more likely to happen in the future
- Fire Water drops randomly from orc encampments
- Vendors now have Magic Carpets to skip scenes and Mementos to create savepoints
Added achievements for new zones
- Lots of new enemies in the new zones (currently 210 unique enemy types).
- Tons of bug fixes, too many to list here.
- Added beta site for users to beta test upcoming changes if they want.
- Overhauled the save system to not be reliant on cookies at all. Old saves should convert over when loading them in.
- Complete overhaul on elemental balance as well as loot drops, including reducing the amount of gold looted from rooms with no enemies. And Slightly reduced gold drops across the board.
- Rebalanced some of the basic zone effects. Some were not doing much at all, so they were buffed up a bit.
- Moved ubertrank to a vendor-only item.
- Added new settings to disable confirmation pop ups and to announce when inspect mode is activated/deactivated.
- Partitioned out the backpack into Gear and Items, functionally the same, aside from organization.
- Added the ability to create savepoints (experimental), using the Mementos vendor item.
- Added a few new sound effects.
- Adjusted overall difficulty up a bit.
- Added warning when leaving the page to prevent accidental refreshes exiting the game.
- Fixed companion button help text not showing up.
- Added slight chance to be ambushed while searching (gets more likely in zones with ambushes zone effect).
- Made boss music start more abruptly without the quiet lead in.
- Adjusted the amount of difficulty ramp proportionately with number of prestiges, and added a semi-cryptic warning message event when difficulty ramp begins.
- Adjusted boss spawning a bit, so that higher level bosses spawn at lower scene numbers.
- Enemies can now have weapons in some new zones, and their attack descriptions will reflect it. This is merely cosmetic at this point, just for flavor at the moment.
- Lowered the amount that Toxin zone effect deals at high levels.
- Increased vampire blood drain to be more effective at high levels.
- Added status box on Stats tab to separate out buffs/debuffs and health related information during inspection.
- Harvest cider has been modified to be a set damage increase that diminishes as the effect wears off, instead of a straight x2 damage.
- Went through all buffs and debuffs and made sure they were all represented in the status box, and updated some status text.
- Added another poem level, so that poems can add up to +50% xp instead of capping out at +40%.
- Added NPC functionality to scenes (aside from the merchant, which works a bit differently). Added caged prisoners to orc encampment and bodach to ruins. Will add more NPCs later as they make sense for the zones.
- Added warnings for when you are about to leave important loot or npcs behind.
- Added interactive items that spawn in some areas when you search, giving a reason to search non-enemy scenes.
- Added random decor to scenes based on zone. They don't do anything but provide ambiance.
- Tempered back damage quite a bit, which now only takes into account your gear, not your level (which was essentially doubling your damage). Enemies will likely take more than 1 hit to kill, even at really high level.
Race and Companions Update 2024[]
- New Zone: Asylum
- Loyalty: Enhances the effectiveness of companions.
Added achievements for playing each race.
- Added Races to character traits after 3rd retirement
- Added new companions Golden Goose and Dopplemite.