Autumn Update 2020[]
- New Autumn Forest zone, only appears from October to December. Has harvest and Halloween themed areas.
- New zone effect: Decay: which decreases the damage you deal the longer you are in the zone.
- Some autumn harvest enemies will appear in other zones during the event.
- Enemies will drop candy, at the end of the zone, you get bonus xp based on the amount of candy collected.
- Resting in an Autumn Forest zone will cause you to eat autumn harvest foods and candy items.
- New zone-specific item: Harvest Cider, which will appear only in Autumn Harvest zones
- Harvesting: Enemies killed have a chance to drop more food.
Added the Autumn Forester event achievement
Added Scythe to the list of weapons you can find.
Summer Update 2020[]
- New Summer Feast zone, only appears from June to August. Has cannibal and food themed areas.
- New zone effect: Indigestion: which sometimes causes damage when you stop to eat.
- Some summer feast enemies will appear in other zones during the event.
- New zone-specific item: Mystery Meat, which will appear only in Summer Feast zones
- Bleeding: Gear with this enchantment has a chance to cause massive wounds to enemies that deal lots of damage over time.
Added the Summer Feast event achievement and added back in the Damage achievements.
Huge Overhaul:[]
- Got rid of difficulty settings, everything is essentially on 'Hard' now. Re-balanced everything and implemented crappy starting gear to get you through the first boss and beyond.
- Food and energy underwent a huge change, no more 'Eat' button, instead a 'Rest' button, each food heals 1 energy while resting, but you can be interrupted and ambushed by enemies.
- Removed the damage bonus from achievements and made a bestiary tab. Each enemy type that you defeat adds to your total damage bonus.
- Lowered retirement level to 50 instead of 100. Retirement now also grants a +5% xp bonus per retirement.
- Potions can now be 'condensed' making them more powerful, but also more rare.
Spring Update 2020[]
- New Spring Garden zone, only appears from the end of February to the end of March. Has spring/plant themed enemies and areas.
- New zone effect: Entangle, which drastically decreases your ability to run away from a fight.
- Some spring garden enemies will appear in other zones during the event.
- The Strange Mushroom item was moved from a cave specific item to the Spring Garden
- New zone-specific item: Geode, which will appear in caves now, replacing the Strange Mushroom, you can break it to find a random amount of gems.
- Poison: Gear with this enchantment will cause you to deal ongoing damage to enemies.
Added the Spring Garden event achievement and one for Retirements.
New Features[]
- Added Retirement. Once you reach level 100, you will no longer be able to continue. You must retire. At this point you will lose your heirloom gear and prestige bonuses. In return you will get a permanent +1% xp bonus, and you will begin at 1 level higher than normal. This also increases your new level cap to 101. In addition, you will pass down a set amount of gold to your new character as well as one legendary item. You will pick one of your pieces of gear to pass down, which will work like an heirloom piece, leveling up with you, but will also retain its enchantment. You can have one legendary item for each slot. Furthermore, retiring will be the mechanism for unlocking new game features. The first retirement unlocks Pets and Artifacts. As new game content is created, it will be locked, behind a retirement barrier.
- Changed the way enemies are generated. There are cohesive enemy types now instead of just random names. Certain enemies have special attacks and abilities.
- Changed the amount of damage you deal, the minimum damage is a bit higher to counteract the increased enemy power. Maximum damage is now stacked on top of minimum damage instead of being calculated separately. It is a function of your offhand and fire bonus.
- Curses were overhauled. Now zone-based curses simple give you a flat chance to miss attacks instead of constantly spamming you with messages about being cursed and no longer being cursed. Enemies with the cursed trait will still function that way but they are less common and only appear on hard difficulty.
- Added starting items such as rusty blade and tattered rags. These will appear in searches as long as you do not have anything in your backpack and you don't have anything equipped in their slot. This helps ensure that you do not face the first boss empty handed.