Infini-Crawl Wiki
Infini-Crawl Wiki

General Settings[]

A number of settings are available in the settings menu (the small gear icon in the middle tab row).

New events at top of log[]

Checking this box will show new events at the top of the log, if it is unchecked, they will be appended to the bottom. Unchecking this box may not work 100% in all browsers, as the scroll functionality may cause it to scroll to the top of the event and you may need to scroll down. This is checked by default and should only be changed if you have a specific reason for it.

Pop up critical events[]

Checking this box will cause critical events to generate an alert window that you need to clear before proceeding. Unchecking it will just send the event to the event log with no pop up alert. This is checked by default, and can be unchecked per personal preference.

Pop up confirm boxes[]

Checking this causes warnings to pop up during certain game events. These need to be either accepted to progress, or cancelled to stop the event. An example of this type of event is the Humble Pie asking if you are sure you want to prestige. Clicking ok will go ahead with the reset and clicking cancel will stop it. Unchecking this box will automatically confirm any pop up boxes without them showing up at all. This is mainly in place for players using screen reader software and the confirm boxes can get annoying to clear. Just be sure that if you uncheck this box, some unwanted effects may befall your hero without warning. This is checked by default, and should only be changed with the understanding of what it does.

Inspect opens event tab[]

Checking this causes the game to open up the event tab whenever you inspect something so you can read the description of that item. With this unchecked, the event will go to the log, but you will stay on the tab you are currently on. This is for screen reader users that don't want to be redirected, since they will be read the event anyway. This is checked by default.

Announce inspect mode[]

Checking this box will send an event to the log when you enter or leave inspect mode. This was a feature requested by a user and is unchecked by default. Check it if you want to show when inspect is turned on or off.

Play SFX[]

Checking this box will enable sound effects and boss music. This is unchecked by default as sound support in different browsers (especially iOS users) is spotty and difficulty to keep consistent. In Firefox and chrome on windows or android, you should be fine enabling this. iOS users may not experience stereo sound.

SFX Volume[]

This is the volume level of the sound effects and music, its set to 10 (max) by default, lower it to your preference. This setting is ignored when Play SFX is unchecked.

Access Keys[]

Access keys sets the different keyboard shortcuts for different tabs and actions. To access these shortcuts check which key combination you need to use for your specific browser (I use Firefox and its Alt+Shift+[key]). The defaults for each key are listed here and you can set each key to whichever key you like. There currently is nothing stopping you from assigning multiple actions to a single key, however this will cause both actions to not function.


This tab has a text box that contains your current diagnostics string. If you report a bug, you may be asked to provide the contents of this box. It tracks which browser you are using, any Javascript errors that occurred during your session, your current save string and the game state of various things like your gear and things in the current area.